Introduction to Data Wrangling @ PyConCZ
Posted on Sa 29 Oktober 2016 in conferences
PyConCZ 2016 was such a fun conference! First off, it was the first time I got to see Jackie Kazil since we started writing our O'Reilly book Data Wrangling with Python together, HOORAYYYY!
OMG PYTHONISTAS! @JackieKazil & I are together for the first time since we started the @OReillyMedia Data Wrangling with Python book! 🙌 💜 🐍
— katharine jarmul (@kjam) October 29, 2016
Secondly, it was super awesome and well organized so THANK YOU to the organizers!! 🙌 I gave two talks, one about Dask and parallelized Data Analaysis, and a second one on Introduction to Data Wrangling with Python.
The notebook I used is available on GitHub: Data Analysis with Pandas on 2016 US Election Data. If you have any questions, reach out on Twitter.
Enough typing, here are the slides! It was also recorded, so I will post the video of the talk as soon as I see it!